Management API

Base Resource URL:[reseller-code]/users


Represents Users, associated with the given reseller.

Supported Actions:

Method:  POST       Implicit:  No       Returns:  ServiceResponse      
Consumes:  json, xml  Produces:  json, xml 
Adds a user to a reseller. Multiple users can be added to a single reseller.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 userName String Yes Identifier of a user that is going to be added to a reseller.

Method:  GET       Implicit:  No       Returns:  User *      
Consumes:  xurl  Produces:  json, xml 
Lists all users currently configured for this reseller.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 offset Integer No 0 Index of the first record returned to the customer from the search result of a web search.
02 limit Integer No 100 Maximum number of records to load per single search web call made by the customer.

Method:  POST       Implicit:  No       Returns:  ServiceResponse      
Consumes:  json, xml  Produces:  json, xml 
Removes a user from a reseller.

# Name Type Required Default Description
01 userName String Yes Identifier of a user that is going to be removed from a reseller.